Kansas Lamplighter Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship History

The Kansas Lamplighter Memorial Endowment was established by the Kansas State Council October 22, 1999. The first scholarship was awarded in 2003.

The Kansas Lamplighter Memorial Endowment was established as a memorial for Kansas sisters who passed away. This seemed a fitting way to honor the memory of many sisters who have contributed so much to ESA International and the ESA Foundation membership in Kansas.

The Lamplighters are the past presidents of the Kansas State Council. The year this memorial endowment was established a beloved Lamplighter, Florence Ellis, passed away. Florence was suffering from cancer and before her death designated the Kansas Lamplighter Memorial Endowment as her choice for memorials. As a result, almost $2000 was donated the first year. Florence Ellis was a shinning example of what our association with ESA creates; outstanding leadership in women and the gift of human kindness and grace.

The Kansas sisterhood hopes that this endowment, along with the other Kansas endowments, will continue to support those who seek to further their education goals. Through this kind of assistance we feel we can seek a new and better hope for tomorrow.

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Scholarship Data
1 @ $500.00

Judging Criteria

Service / Leadership: 15%
Financial Need: 50%
Scholastic Ability: 25%

College Attending State
Kansas, USA
Min: 3.00
Max: 4.00

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