Arlene and Dennis Schlosser Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship History
The Arlene and Dennis Schlosser Memorial Endowment was established April 22, 2013 when the Arlene Schlosser Memorial Endowment and the Dennis Schlosser Endowment merged. The first scholarship awarded under the new name was in 2014.
The Arlene Schlosser Memorial Endowment was established by the Arizona State Council March 1, 1988. The first scholarship was given in 1991.
Arlene Koesling joined Alpha Lambda Chapter of ESA in St. Paul, MN in 1954. By 1969 she had attained the position of President of the International Council of ESA. This is the time in Arlene’s life when she also obtained a special beau, Dennis Schlosser. She introduced both Dennis and the new DIANA award to ESA members at the IC Convention in California in the same year. Dennis and Arlene were married and continued to live in Minnesota until Arlene began to have health issues. In 1978 they moved to Arizona.
When the incorporation of the World Center Foundation, which later became the ESA Foundation was announced at the IC Convention in 1970, Arlene and Dennis were there. They continued their affiliation with the Foundation through its ups and its downs. Arlene served the Foundation as the treasurer of the Board of Directors and as its Chairman.
Arlene and Dennis remained actively involved in the work and the fun of ESA and of the ESA Foundation. They always participated in Ways and Means projects, in Philanthropic endeavors and in all of the socials until Arlene’s passing in 1985.
The Dennis A. Schlosser Endowment established February 20, 2005 by Dennis Schlosser. The scholarship was first awarded in 2006.
Dennis continued in these activities until his passing in 2011. His love for Arlene, as well as his love for the ESA Foundation, will continue to be recognized far into the future because the estate that he so lovingly bequeathed to the Foundation totaled $450,000.
Scholarship Data
12 @ $1,000.00
Judging Criteria
Service / Leadership: 20%
Financial Need: 35%
Scholastic Ability: 35%
Min: 3.00
Max: 4.00