Billy Brockmann Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship History

The Billy Brockmann Memorial Endowment was established by Alpha Alpha Chapter February 18, 2000. The first scholarships were awarded in 2002.

Billy was 2 ½ when he was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. We were given the option to go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for treatment. We were in treatment for two years, but Billy experienced seizures throughout the treatment due to medications. Approximately two months after his diagnosis, Billy was in remission.

We traveled to Peoria for maintenance therapies that Billy weathered fairly well, aside from some rather bad allergies, which the doctors said sometimes occur as a side effect of the cranial radiation Billy received.

By the time Billy turned five, he was doing well and we were praying he was out of the woods. Due to his illness, Billy entered Kindergarten at the age of six. He loved school and the family seriously felt he had beaten the disease.

During this period of time, I was asked to join the Alpha Alpha Chapter of ESA International in Illinois. Due to my association with St. Jude and ESA International being the single largest contributor to the Hospital, I felt a connection with ESA. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital had given my son a chance for life and I owed them greatly. I joined ESA and loved it. ESA’s purpose and the socialization with other women were good. Billy grew into a fine young boy during this time. He wasn’t having any major medical problems due to his therapy. St. Jude checked him annually in Memphis and when I had a sudden concern over Billy’s health at various times in Peoria.

Billy did well until he was nine. By this time, we had another son, Andy. In December, 1998, Billy awoke with a sore throat and told me he didn’t feel well. Since it was the day before Christmas break, we kept him home from school. Our Christmas plans were to visit the grandparents. I packed Billy up and we went to his pediatrician to check things out. As I entered the parking lot, Billy went into a Grand Mal Seizure – a non-responsive- and this is when our nightmare started. Billy was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and was later diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The cause was unknown, but it was a possible side effect of intrathecal treatment and cranial radiation. Billy was freed from leukemia, but was now going to die from a brain tumor.

Billy was given 18 months to live with radiation treatment. His right side became paralyzed and he was eventually on Hospice care. We had Billy after this diagnosis for 11 months. He made it to his 10th birthday in March; we were happy because Billy loved parties and people.

Dave, Andy, and I had wonderful support from our family, friends, and ESA sisters throughout this horrible time in our lives. After Billy died November 28, 1999, Jamie Atchison, my ESA sister, made an announcement at one of our meetings to establish a memorial endowment fund in memory of Billy with the ESA Foundation. We were touched and agreed this would be acceptable. David and I decided that we would make it an endowment for students in Illinois who were studying or going into the field of medical research. We have since broadened the major to include engineering since Billy loved building legos and teaching. David and I are very honored that Alpha Alpha Chapter put forth the effort to establish this endowment in memory of Billy. We can never bring Billy back, but knowing that so many people care somehow helps us. Our hearts ache sometimes when we remember Billy at fundraisers for this endowment, but it makes us feel good to honor his memory. Billy was a fun-loving boy who loved being with people and loved to play and have fun. We think this is something he would have wanted.

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Scholarship Data
1 @ $650.00

Judging Criteria

Service / Leadership: 30%
Financial Need: 30%
Scholastic Ability: 30%

Bond County, IL
Clinton County, IL
De Witt County, IL
Madison County, IL
McLean County, IL
Peoria County, IL
St. Clair County, IL
Tazewell County, IL
Woodford County, IL
Min: 3.00
Max: 4.00
Specific Major

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